Tuesday, December 8, 2015

A List of Several Things

1) It is the end of the first semester of Craft. I honestly can't believe that it's over because it has simply just flown by so fast. There have been so many wonderful things that have happened over the course of this semester, that I can't even begin to go through them all. All in all, it has been an amazing semester, and I'm proud to say that I will most likely end with a 4.0! 

2) You'll notice that I've taken a hiatus from blogging. That was so I could get my feet under me at school and figure out what in the world is going on (I've yet to do that). I'm hopeful that next semester I can keep the content coming as often as possible (but don't count on it). 

3) You will also notice that things are looking a little differently here on DC. I've polished the formatting up a bit and moved some things around. I am not a computer genius, so if you have any helpful hints about how to make this better that will be greatly appreciated. You can leave those hints in the comments or email me at Gayle's email address

4) Keep an eye out for new content coming here soon. I've got several posts in the works (including a book review!). 

5) I'M GOING TO GERMANY!! That's right, y'all. I am going to Germany over the summer. I'll be there for ten days studying renewable energy with my classmates. It is going to be a wonderful experience but a very expensive one. If you want to help me out, you can by donating at Gayle's Germany Fund . Any and all donations are helpful. 

6) I'm so glad to be back! We're going to have a lot of fun through this Holiday Season and the New Year. 

Love and Happy Reading, 



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