Shew!!! What a summer it has been! I don't know about y'all, but this has been one of the craziest and most eventful summers of my life! The summer of 2016 has been a memorable one and one of the better summers ever!
..... Sorry about all the exclamation points.
Anyways, let me try and catch y'all up to what I've been up to since June 1.
On June 7th, I hopped aboard a plane and headed to Europe for ten days.
We went to Switzerland,
And France,
We looked over breathtaking Zurich,
We ate ice cream on a canal in France,
We went to a beautiful Farmers Market in Germany,
And a hundred more things. Let me also mention that in addition to all the adventuring that we did, we also did do quite a bit of studying. The point of the trip was to learn about renewable energy and I did do just that.
This was one of the wind turbines that we were able to go in.
I got back from Europe on June 16 and June 17 I headed down to Calloway County, Kentucky to work with Kentucky Changers.
Almost three hundred people descended upon Calloway County to bring the message of Christ through hands-on missions work.
I was blessed to be able to work with a wonderful crew. We built two decks and a handicap ramp for a wonderful homeowner.
I got a week "off" from Changers that was full of working and Vacation Bible School at Red House. I had the privilege of being an assistant teacher for some very precious third graders. Third grade is such a fun age! (I say that, but I think I'm much more comfortable with the preschoolers)
After that, I was able to go back to Kentucky Changers but this time as a member of the Ministry Team! For two weeks I got to spend time with some of the best students in the state of Kentucky as we working in Greensburg and Frankfort.
Not only did I get to hang out with students, but I also got to spend time with the wonderful members of the Ministry Team. I can honestly say that when it was time for us to pack up and go home, I was super sad to leave them all.
So, are we up to speed? Good, because in the middle of all that craziness I have also been interning with the Kentucky Department of Agriculture working with the Senior Farmer's Market Nutrition Program.
Well, that's been my summer. Let me just say that this has been the most adventure-tastic (that's TOTALLY a word) summer I've had and it's really given me an appetite for crazy, awesome, adventure. Honestly it doesn't matter to me if I'm adventuring just a few counties over or halfway around the world, I've found that I really like being active, helping people, and serving God. So hopefully, my life will be able to be characterized by those things.
"It is better to see something once than to hear about it a thousand times."